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A 6-sided cuboid that captures colliders that have cuboid properties.

typestringThe Box shape class
namestringA user-defined name of the shape
framestringThe coordinateshe frame this shape belongs to. Can either be world or robot frame
physicalbooleanTrue if the collision with this shape is phyiscal, else false
xfloatThe length of x dimension
yfloatThe length of y dimension
zfloatThe length of z dimension
localTransformisometry consisted of translation and rotationDefines the position and rotation of the shape relevant to the specific frame
let shape = {
name:'camera attachment',
frame: 'panda_hand',
physical: true,
localTransform: {translation:[0.0,0.0,0.0],rotation:[0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0]} // [x, y, z, w] ordering for quaternion