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Mirroring objectives allow users to mirror the current state of a link's position or orientation in a different link, or the current angle of one joint in another.

Position MirroringTranslationMirror the positions of two links with an optional offset
Orientation MirroringRotationMirror the rotations of two links with an optional offset
Joint MirroringScalarMirror the values of two joints with an optional offset

Parameters for constructing Mirroring Objectives

ParameterObjectivesTypeOptionalDefauly value/behaviorDescription
nameall of the objectives mentioned abovestringnononeName can be arbitrary and should be unqiue
weightall of the objectives mentioned abovefloatnononeIndicates the prioritization of the objective
link1Position Mirroring, Orientation MirroringstringnononeThe name of the first link this objective is applied to
link2Position Mirroring, Orientation MirroringstringnononeThe name of the second link this objective is applied to
joint1Joint MirroringstringnononeThe name of the first joint or joint this objective is applied to
joint2Joint MirroringstringnononeThe name of the second joint or joint this objective is applied to
goalall of the objectives mentioned aboveGoalyesorigin for Translation, no rotation for Rotation, and 0.0 for ScalarThe goal for objectives to achieve